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Under the guidelines of government and our district officials, Goodland & Warba Community Church can meet in person.   However, things will be different than usual. While we cannot guarantee a germ-free environment, we are taking steps to help prevent transmission of Covid-19.  You can read more about those steps below.  


If you are sick, have a fever, present any signs of cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have been in contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please stay home.


For those uncomfortable or unable to attend church, we will continue to provide online services for the foreseeable future found on Goodland Community Church's Facebook page and Warba Community Church Facebook page. We care about your health and safety.  If you are in a high-risk group, we encourage you to continue attending online.


 2. Our online services will be posted on our Facebook Pages each Sunday. 


Please continue to check our Facebook Pages for the most recent updates and announcements. Service plans may change week to week as needed. 



Our Sunday Service Times: 
Goodland Community Church  - 10am 
Warba Community Church  - 11:15am
Safety Protocols
  • We ask that everyone follow personal hygiene and social distancing protocols. Sanitize hands frequently.

  • We will provide disposable masks for anyone who would like to use them. We will not force people to wear a mask.

  • We are providing a safe environment while still demonstrating love to people.  We aren’t going to be the rule police.   Staff, not volunteers, will be responsible to handle any concerns. If volunteers see areas of concern, they should contact a staff member.

  • We will not provide childcare since social distancing protocols are impractical for small children per recommended guidelines. 

  • We will not provide printed bulletins.  

  • There will be no coffee/refreshments available

  • Sanctuary rows will be 6 feet apart and 2 chairs spacing (6ft) should be between non-family groups.  Immediate family members can sit together.   

  • Greeters/Ushers will open exterior doors as needed to apply a “Touch Free” system or if weather permits, doors can be propped open.  

  • We will not hug or shake hands.  We will wave, smile, air hug, etc.  Let’s make this fun!  

  • Tithes/Offering box will be available in the entry

  • We will provide hand sanitizer at the building entrance and sanctuary entrance. Attendees are encouraged to sanitize on the way in and out

  • We will have hand sanitizer wipes in the bathroom.  

  • People will be dismissed from the Sanctuary from back to front.  People will be encouraged to maintain social distancing as they enter and exit the sanctuary and the building.

  •  Between services, we will sanitize all areas that have been used including touchable surfaces in the sanctuary, lobby, bathrooms, doors – interior and exterior, hand rails, etc. 

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